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Their a few bugs that need to be look at. One in the inn room when you can start moving their a few tilts you can't walk on, other is then you exit the map south to get to the east exit you cannot move from that spot.

their and also some untranslated text still in the English version.

how did you game the english version

I'm sorry  I do not understand the question?

(2 edits)

how are you able to play the english version? did i miss something? im only getting shown the spanish version.

(nevermind found it. im just incapable to read i guess)

si pudiera donaria

ochoa recomienda este juego

Looks really really good, gave it my best shot to play it, but sadly didnt really overcome the language barrier. If there'd be a way to translate even roughly with google translate or so to english id be really happy! But like i said, even without understanding anything, looks promising!


I'm working on an English translation, it will probably be out next week.